Floyd Moves Month
“I never knew yoga was fun.”
“My students keep asking what activity is happening today.”
“When do the older kids get to play with the giant ball?”
“My son went on and on about taking lessons to climb up walls.”
“Can we do this again?”

Students, parents and teachers have lots to say about Floyd Moves Month activities. Organized by Healthy Floyd and hosted by Karen Via’s preschool class, students in Head Start, kindergarten and first grade classes enjoyed an entire week of healthy fun at Floyd Elementary School.
Highlights of the Week
Crab soccer with coaches from Floyd/Floyd County Parks & Recreation Authority and a giant soccer ball. Says Director Dustin Hollandsworth, “Parks & Rec. will be offering soccer this summer for all age groups. I encourage the whole family to participate.”

Tumbling and parkour with Blue Ridge Motion. Owner Elijah Bowen reveals he loves teaching kids the urban sport of Parkour, also known as free-running. “The goal is to move through your environment in the quickest and most efficient way possible, using only your body; so, you may be running up walls, vaulting, jumping gaps and distances, climbing … your imagination is the limit!”
Dance lessons with Iris Vest of Blue Ridge Dance Fitness. The kids have a blast, as always. Says Vest, “I love seeing children enjoy dancing and trying new things. We offer a wide variety of dance and fitness classes for ages 3 and up.”

Yoga for Kids with Shirleyann Burgess. A surprising highlight is the minute-long meditation after the group learns several classic yoga positions. More than a hundred kids, and you can hear a pin drop.
Kicking It with Rutter’s Martial Arts. Owner and instructor Scott Rutter teaches students from 3 years to adult at his school for karate and taekwondo, recently re-located to the Village Green in Floyd. “Learn life skills, discipline, and respect,” invites the school’s website. “Increase your focus, improve physical fitness, gain confidence, and much much more!”
So why all the hoopla?
“We created Floyd Moves Month as a way to remind people how important it is to stay active in their everyday lives,” explains Healthy Floyd Coordinator, Meredith Dean. “School-aged children should be getting at least one hour of physical activity each day, and kids from 1-5 years old need at least three. I have lots of friends who spend their days at desks and computers, but even adults should be getting up and out for at least 30 minutes a day to stay healthy. There are so many great ways to be active in Floyd. We just wanted to let folks know about a few of them.”

Floyd Moves Month took off with Move It! games and a Healthy Floyd display at Indian Valley Elementary’s March PTO meeting. Later that week, all Indian Valley students were treated to lunchtime movement breaks followed by fruit-infused water tastings. Mrs. Allen’s kindergarten students then enjoyed a special 95210 lesson.
Not to be outdone, Floyd’s adults also got into the action. Attendance tripled during March for Floyd Moves It!, a workout session led by Healthy Floyd every Thursday from noon – 1pm at Jessie Peterman Library. And remember the group’s Floyd Moves Minute brain and movement breaks from years’ past? To round out the month, Healthy Floyd brought back some of the 5th now 7th graders who created the original to lead folks in that plus other movement activities at the Floyd County Health & Wellness Fair.
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