Healthy Floyd promotes healthy eating from local farms
through farm field trips and educational activities.

Past Farm Field Trips

Second and third grade students at Check and Floyd Elementary Schools took Farm Field trips to Old Mill Stone Farm for several years in a row. Willis and Indian Valley students visited the Floyd County High School Farm.
The students rode in wagons to the potato fields, watched the fields being plowed, planted potato seeds, visited farm animals, played games and sang healthy eating songs, learned just how long it takes to “run off” a potato chip, and tasted healthy alternatives. The next fall they returned as 3rd graders to harvest the potatoes which were then served in the school cafeterias.
Old Mill Stone Farm is owned by Bryan and Lynette Vest, who raise and sell all-natural beef and pork. There, the students got to grind their own corn to feed the pigs. They also got to bottle-feed and pet a 6-week-old calf.

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